
Rendelőnk címe:

1131 Budapest, Göncöl utca 28-30.

Megközelíthetőség (a rendelő bejárata a park, illetve a Bárka utca felől van):

105-ös, 120-as, 210-es autóbusz: Cziffra György park megálló (105, 210), Gyöngyösi utca megálló (120)

Háziorvosi rendelő térkép

Office hours

Family doctor's office address: 1131 Budapest, Göncöl utca 28-30. Fszt. 5. Adult family doctor's office

Telephone (in consulting hours):

+36 1/320-8088 (assistant may take the phone in Hungarian)

+36 20/526-7893 (my phone number for English-speaking patients)

Consulting time:

Monday, Wednesday: 8:00-12:00

Tuesday, Thursday: 16:00-20:00

Friday: variable

Home call: only possible at a pre-arranged time.

Contact of the emergency medical service:

If you experience a rapid, severe deterioration in your condition, call the emergency medical service.

Address of the emergency medical service (with Hungarian-speaker medical doctors): 1138 Budapest, Révész utca 10-12.

Telephone: 1830

More information about the emergency medical service can be found on the following websites.

Emergency medical service, operated by National Ambulance Service

Local government's website

National Ambulance Service:

Telephone: 104, 112